Board Policies - R0000-R9320
- R0000_03 Introduction (M).pdf
- R1240 Evaluation of Superintendent (M).pdf
- R1330 Evaluation of School Business Administrator (M).pdf
- R1400 Job Descriptions (M).pdf
- R1510 Americans with Disabilities Act (M).doc (1).pdf
- R1530 Equal Employment Opportunities (M).pdf
- R1550 Affirmative Action Programs for Employment and Contract Practices (M).pdf
- R1570 Internal Controls (M).pdf
- R1581 Domestic Violence (M)
- R1613 Disclosure and Review of Applicant_s Employment History (M).pdf
- R1642.01 Sick Leave
- R1642 Earned Sick Leave Law (M)
- R2200 Curriculum Content (M)
- R2260 Equity in School and Classroom Practices Complaint Procedure (M)
- R2361 Acceptable Use of Computer Networks, Computers and Resources.pdf
- R2411 Guidance Counseling (M).pdf
- R2412 Home Instruction Due to Health Condition.pdf
- R2415 20 Every Student Succeeds Act Complaints (M)
- R2417 Student Intervention and Referral Services.pdf
- R2418 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973- Students (M).doc.pdf
- R2419 School Threat Assessment Teams (M)
- R2423 Bilingual and ESL Education (M).pdf
- R2425 Emergency Virtual or Remote Instruction Program (M)
- R2431_1 Emergency Procedures for Athletic Practices and Competitions (M).pdf
- R2431_2 Medical Examination Prior to Participation on A School-sponsored Interscholastic or intramural team or squad (M).pdf R2460 Special Education (M).pdf
- R2431.4 Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries (M)
- R2460_1 Special Education - Location, Identification, and Referral (M).pdf
- R2460_15 Special Education - In-Service Training Needs for Professional and Paraprofessional Staff (M).pdf
- R2460_16 Special Education - Instructional Material to Blind or Print-Disabled Students (M).pdf
- R2460_8 Special Education-Free and Appropriate Public Education (M).pdf
- R2460_9 Special Education - Transition from Early Intervention Programs to Preschool Programs (M).pdf
- R2460.30 Additional _ Compensatory Special Education and Related Services (M)
- R2481 Home or Out-of-School Instruction for a general education student for reasons other than a temporary or chronic health condition.pdf
- R2520 Instructional Supplies (M)
- R2622 Student Assessment (M)
- R3126 District Mentoring Program.pdf
- R3142 Nonrenewal of Nontenured Teaching staff members.pdf
- R3144 Certification of Tenure Charges.pdf
- R3160 Physical Examination (M).pdf
- R3212 Attendance (M)
- R3218 Substance Abuse.pdf
- R3221 Evaluation of Teachers (M).pdf
- R3222 Evaluation of Teaching Staff Members, Excluding Teachers and Administrators (M).pdf
- R3223 Evaluation of Administrators, Excluding Principals, Vice Principals and Assistant Principals (M).pdf
- R3224 Evaluation of Principals, Vice Principals, and Asst. Principals (M).pdf
- R3240 Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders (M).pdf
- R4146 Nonrenewal of Nontenured support staff member.pdf
- R4160 Physical Examination (M).pdf
- R4212 Attendance (M)
- R4240 Employee Training.pdf
- R5111 Eligibility of Resident NonResident Students (M).pdf
- R5116 Education of Homelss Children.pdf
- R5117 Interdistrict Public School Choice new.pdf
- R5130 Withdrawal from School (M).pdf
- R5200 Attendance (Student).pdf
- R5300 Automatd External Defibrillators (AED_s) (M).pdf
- R5306 Health Services to Nonpublic School (M).pdf
- R5308 Student Health Records.pdf
- R5310 Health Serevices (M).pdf
- R5330 Administration of Medication (M).pdf
- R5330_01 Administration of Medical Marijuana.pdf
- R5330.04 Administrating an Opioid Antidote (M).pdf
- R5330.05 Seizure Action Plan (M).pdf
- R5331 Management of Life-Threatening Allergies in Schools (M).pdf
- R5338 - Diabetes Management (M).pdf
- R5350 Student Suicide Prevention (M).pdf
- R5410 Promotion and Retention (M).pdf
- R5420 Reporting Student Progress (M).pdf
- R5460_1 High School Transcripts (M).pdf
- R5512 Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Investigation Procedure (M).pdf
- R5513 Care of School Property (M).pdf
- R5519 Dating Violence at School (M).pdf
- R5530 Substance Abuse (M).pdf
- R5533 Student Smoking. pdf
- R5550 Disaffected Students (M).pdf
- R5560 Disruptive Students (M).pdf
- R5561 Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion Techniques for Students with Disabilities (M).pdf
- R5600 - Student Discipline, Code of Conduct (M).pdf
- R5610 Suspension Procedures (M).pdf
- R6210 Fiscal Planning
- R5610 Suspension Procedures (M)
- R5611 Removal of Students for Firearms Offenses.pdf
- R5612 Assaults on District Board of Education Members or Employees.pdf
- R5613 Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses.pdf
- R5750 Equal Educational Opportunity Complaint Procedure (M).pdf
- R5751 Sexual Harassment of Students (M).pdf
- R5860 Rules for Safety Patrol Members (M).pdf
- R6111 Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) Program (M).pdf
- R6112 Reimbursement of Federal and Other Grant Expenditures (M).pdf
- R6115.01 Federal Awards Funds Internal Controls - Allowability of Costs (M)
- R6220 Budget Preparation.pdf
- R6422 Budget Transfers (M).pdf
- R6470 Payment of Claims.pdf
- R6471 School District Travel Procedures (M) - Copy.pdf
- R6810 Financial Objectives (M).pdf
- R7100 Long-Range Facilities Planning (M).pdf
- R7101 Educational Adequacy of Capital Projects.pdf
- R7102 Site Selection and Acquisition.pdf
- R7300_2 Disposition of Property.pdf
- R7300_3 Disposition of Personal Property.pdf
- R7300_4 Disposition of Federal Property.pdf
- R7410 Maintenance and repair (M).pdf
- R7410_01 Facilities Maintenance, Repair Scheduling, and Acounting (M).pdf
- R7420 Handling and Disposal of body Wastes and Fluids (M).pdf
- R7420_1 Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan (M).pdf
- R7422 School Integrated Pest Management Plan (M).pdf
- R7424 Bed Bugs.pdf
- R7425 Lead Testing of Water in Schools (M)
- R7432 Eye Protection Practices (M).pdf
- R7440 School District Security (M).pdf
- R7441 Electronic Surveillance in School Buildings and on School Grounds (M).pdf
- R7610 Vandalism
- R8140 Enrollment Accounting (M).pdf
- R8220 School Closings
- R8320 Personnel Records (M)
- R8330 Student Records (M)
- R8420 Emergency and Non-Fire Evacuation Plan (M).pdf
- R8420_1 Fire and Fire Drills (M) updated.pdf
- R8420_10 Active Shooter (M).pdf
- R8420_2 Bomb Threats (M).pdf
- R8420_3 Natural Disasters and Man-Made Catastrophes (M).pdf
- R8420_4 Kidnapping (M).pdf
- R8420_5 Asestos Release (M).pdf
- R8420_6 Accidents to and from School (M).pdf
- R8420_7 Lockdown Procedures (M).pdf
- R8441 Care of Injured and Ill Persons (M).pdf
- R8451 Control of Communicable Disease (M).pdf
- R8461 Reporting Violence, Vandalism, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Alcohol, and Other Drug Abuse (M).pdf
- R8462 Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children (M).pdf
- R8465 Bias Crimes and Bias-Related Acts (M).pdf
- R8467 Weapons.pdf
- R8600 Student Transportation
- R8630 Emergency School bus Procedures (M).pdf
- R9130 Public Complaints and Grievances.pdf
- R9140 Citizens Advisory Committee (M).pdf
- R9270 Home Schooling and Equivalent Education (M) - Copy.pdf
- R9320 Cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies (M).pdf